Content supply and managing revisions for annual reports

This post aims to help clients get the best value, speed and accurate proofs when they commission a designer.

Following this guide will save you money and deliver your project sooner.

Supplying content in the right way, will save you money and give you the best result.



  • Text should be supplied in Word (or similar)

  • Style the copy as you want it to appear in the final document, typically where applicable:
    Standfirsts (intro paragraphs that are bigger than the copy but smaller than the headline)
    Body copy
    Pull-out quotations
    Footers and references

  • All text should be supplied in one final document, preferably final, proof read and signed-off by line managers

  • Ensure the text is in the order you want the final document to be in

  • Mark any instructions using the ‘comments’ function in Word

  • Avoid sending text in emails

  • Don’t send draft text to layed out and then send an updated version later. This will mean doing all of the design and layout again and will prove costly

  • Do not place images or charts into the Word file. Indicate where they go using ‘comments’ and supply them separately



  • Supplying logos in vector formats, EPS of AI

  • Avoid Jpegs where possible we really need a vector EPS file

  • If you supply a JPEG it must be high-resolution. A file size of 500k or more. A JPEG will not allow us to use the logo on images r coloured backgrounds

  • Do not supply logos as PNG of GIFs
    Small files taken from the internet are not usable



  • Photographic content should be supplied as JPEG or TIFF files. They must be high-resolution. When sending images in JPEG format this is a guide for their minimum file size:
    Full page images: 2mb
    Half page images: 1.5mb
    Small images: 500k anything smaller may not be usable.

  • Images taken from the internet are generally not sufficient for print

  • Ensure you have the right to use the image for its purpose. Using images that you do not have the right to use is unlawful

  • Provide a photographer’s credit where applicable

  • Poor quality photographs will result in a poor quality publication

  • Think about your audience. It is better to choose a quality image that may not necessarily portray the exact scenario


Data, charts and tables

  • Supply data for charts in an Excel file, not as graphics, although it can be handy to have both, like this:
    Title: What are the benefits of supply data correctly
    Saving on cost: 40%
    Eliminating errors: 30%
    Reducing client workload: 20%
    Avoiding confusion:  10%
    This will give you a pie (or any type of chart) like this:

  • Make sure the data is final and signed off. When we design a chart we ‘separate the data from the design’. If  that data changes, we have to recreate the chart again, it will not update automatically

  • Reference where the charts go in the text using ‘comments’

  • Ensure any references and sources are included

  • Financial and accounts data should be supplied in Excel, with content in individual cells

  • Tables can be supplied in Word or Excel

  • Do not supply and data that need typing in, this will undoubtedly lead to errors

  • Do not ‘link’ or embed data in Word



  • Avoid sending multiple emails, it slows things down and creates confusion. Gather your content together and use to send it in one go

  • Designers often work on multiple projects and can easily lose track, consolidate revisions, comments into one email at milestone stages



  • Typically your estimate will include a set amount of revisions. Anything outside of that is additional work, so it important to be as comprehensive as you can

  • Gather up all of the amends from all of the stakeholders and mark them on a PDF using the ‘stickies’ functionality and send them in one iteration. Sending revisions piecemeal can cause them to be overlooked or misunderstood

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